
Amount raised to date: £ 17,361,867


Working together with charities

No matter whether you're a large charitable organisation or a small charity dedicated to a local cause - we really want to work closely with you

Partner Charities

Our aim is to ensure that as much funds, including Gift Aid, can be collected and forwarded to charities as simply and efficiently as possible.

To become a partner charity we simply ask that you complete a one-off ChV1 form and return it to us which enables us to obtain Gift Aid on your behalf.

Download a ChV1 Gift Aid form

Partner Benefits

We want charities to be able to see at a glance the donations that are to be forwarded on behalf of donors made in memory.

You will have a real time reporting facility, providing the ability to monitor Tribute Pages (campaigns) over a set period of time.

For more information on real time reporting click here