Charity Partners

Charities who we work closely with


Charities we work closely with

Our aim is to ensure that as much funds, including GiftAid, can be collected and forwarded to charities as simply and efficiently as possible.

To become a partner charity we simply ask that you complete a one-off ChV1 form and return it to us which enables us to obtain GiftAid on your behalf.

Find out more

The ChV1 is a form issued by HMRC and needs to be completed and returned in order for Love2Donate to collect Gift Aid on your behalf.

A charity must complete this form as authorisation that Love2Donate can act as one of its Collection Agents. Please note that a charity can authorise as many Collection Agents as they wish.

Once we receive this form and your GiftAid reference number, we will then add you to our Partner Charities List and provide you with login details in order to access your Real Time Reports.


Any information you give us such as ChV1 forms will be held in confidence and only accessible by two people in our organisation.

Partner benefits

We want charities to be able to see at a glance the donations that are to be forwarded on behalf of donors made in memory. You will have a real time reporting facility, providing the ability to monitor Tribute Pages (campaigns) over a set time period.

Once HMRC has received your completed ChV1 form and have allocated you a unique reference number, we will then create your own Log In Area enabling you to access the following information:

  • Name of the deceased
  • Name and address of the Next of Kin
  • Campaign start and estimated end date
  • On Line donations received to date
  • Gift Aid payable
  • Deductions payable
  • Total online donations forwarded
  • Date bank transfer made
Download a ChV1 Gift Aid form

Becoming a Partner charity is easy. Just complete and return a ChV1 form, authorising Love2Donate to collect Gift Aid on your behalf.

Download a ChV1 Gift Aid form

Charities who have already joined us

(we currently have 1087 charities signed up)