In Memory Of: Cynthia Costelloe

27th September 1952 - 6th November 2024

Martin & Ruth Tanner

Fond memories from time in Market Drayton. Cynthia was fun to be with, had a strong Christian faith and was a willing servant of the church. A life well lived.
Nicholas Patton

Being a wife, mother and grandmother was so central to Cynthia's mission in life. She will be missed by all those to whom she set such a devoted and loving example.
Nick Patton

Cynthia's close family and the church gave her a wonderful and fitting tribute and farewell with the support of so many family and friends.
Janice Patton

So sad that the final chapter in Shoreham was so short for Cynthia. May David and the family be comforted by having her nearby and the memory of a joyful and 'useful' life celebrated regularly in the bells of St. Mary's.
Alan& Angela Jameison

In Loving memory of Cynthia a friend for many years who will be greatly missed.
Joy & Bill Wells

Happy memories of Aldridge school days Cynthia, you were always such fun to be with and a lovely kind friend. Our thoughts are with David, Jennifer, Michael and families x
Ian Vaughan

In memory of a very nice lady. Cynthia will be greatly missed by the Shoreham bell ringers.
Mary Smith

We were blessed to be able to see and hear the wonderful Tribute to Cynthia, May you be kept in the centre of Gods will as you go forward. Love Nelson and Mary Smith Ex Shetland x x
Anthony Rathbone

In memory of a lovely person who will be much missed. Anthony and Liz
Valerie & Keith Bennett

Dear Cynthia we'miss you so much. We didn't know you for very long and wish it could have been longer. We feel privileged to know you as a very special friend. We send love and prayers for you and to David and all your family.
David And Liz Percival

It has been a privilege and joy to know you and work with you. We will miss you.
David & Anne Jones

In memory of Cynthia, a much valued Christian friend, who is now with her Lord, but who is greatly missed particularly by David to whom we send our love, sympathy and prayers.
Craft Group

Dear Cynthia
Your friends at the Craft Group miss you so very much. We send many thoughts and all our love to you David and all your family.
Frances Smith

The Bells will never sound as sweet knowing you are not ringing in the bell tower x
Christopher Bayne

David Michael and family, while we sense your feeling of loss, we are thankful that the faith that you all share with Cynthia will be of comfort. Every one of our [too few] meetings with Cynthia, all in Fulham, has been joyful.
Anne & Stuart Weichert

In memory of Cynthia, a very much valued friend at Aldridge Grammar School; always so wise and kind.
Sarah Harrison

In memory of a wonderful ,wise and kind friend.
I will miss you so very much Cynthia.
Sarah xx